L.EIC Schedule Management System

L.EIC Schedule Management System

data structures file processing 2023
Status: completed
C++Object-Oriented Programming


This project implements a schedule management to modify, search, view, sort and list L.EIC (Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática e Computação) schedules. It was developed as part of the Algorithms and Data Structures course. The system manages existing schedules through an object-oriented approach with efficient data structure implementation.


The schedule management system is built around several core functionalities:

  • CSV file parsing and data extraction for student, class, and course information.
  • Real-time schedule consultation and modification through an command-line interface.
  • Rule-based validation for registration changes.
  • Chronological tracking of modifications with undo capabilities.

Core Components

The project is structured around several key classes, each handling specific aspects of the scheduling system:

  • App: Main application interface.
  • Student: Manages student data and their associated schedules.
  • Lecture: Represents individual class sessions with timing and type.
  • UC: Bundler for a course unit with its associated classes.
  • Request: Provides methods for adding, removing, and switching courses and classes for students.
  • Script: Handles file operations and data extraction.

File Processing

A significant aspect of the system is its file-based data handling through the Script class. For example, the studentsinClass function extracts student information for a specific class:

vector<Student> Script::studentsinClass(string ucCode_, string classCode_)
    vector<Student> students;
    ifstream file("../data/students_classes.csv");
    if (!file.is_open())
        cout << "Failed to open the file." << endl;
    string line;
    while (getline(file, line))
        istringstream iss(line);
        string StudentCode, StudentName, UcCode, classCode;
        getline(getline(getline(getline(iss, StudentCode, ','), StudentName, ','), UcCode, ','), classCode, '\r');
        if (UcCode == ucCode_ && classCode == classCode_)
            Student student{StudentCode, StudentName};
    return students;

When accessing it thought the implemented menu, it displays the students enrolled in the specified UC and class in the following format:

"Terminal output"

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